As we all know, an income tax return is a form to be filled out and submitted by each taxpayer before the due date of filing the returns as stipulated in the Income Tax Act. The return is to be filled based on information gathered from reliable documents.
Individuals, HUFs, and Firms with income above the basic exemption limit must file Income Tax Returns yearly, disclosing their total income along with perquisites and details of tax paid or deducted at source, taxable income, tax liability, or refundable dues.
While doing so, they are required to keep certain documents on hand to support their figures.
In this article, let us study the details of such documents.
I am providing the information regarding some of those documents in the below sections.
Important Documents Needed for Submission of ITRs
Some of the documents that serve as the base for filing a return are as follows:
- PAN card
- Salary slips or income statements
- Bank Statements
- Form 16, 16A, 16B, 16C (whichever applicable)
- Form 26AS
- Form 15G or 15H
- TDS certificates
- Interest certificates, if any
- Investment Documents
- Documents of Loans on Houses or Assets purchased during the year
- Any other documents needed to support the claims
Form 16
Form 16 is a document provided by an employer to his employee certifying Tax Deducted at Source during a Financial Year from the payments made to him.
This form provides details of Gross Salary and perquisites like HRA, LTA, etc. It further contains information regarding other incomes reported by the employee and exemptions granted under certain clauses of the IT Act, net taxable income, and TDS deducted.
This serves as the major document for filing the ITR.
Form 16A, Form 16B, and Form 16C
- Forms 16a, 16b, and 16c deal with tax deducted from incomes other than salary.
- Form 16a provides details of tax deducted from income generated through securities, investments, FDRs, Rent, etc. These are provided by the respective agent deducting the TDS.
- Form 16b deals with tax deducted from earnings on the sale of immovable property or property dealings. The person buying the property should issue this certificate.
- Form 16c is a TDS certificate issued by a person paying rent to his land lord. It contains the amount of gross rent payable and the amount of TDS deducted while paying the rent to his owner. The amount so deducted by the payee is to be deposited to the Income Tax Department through challan within 15 days of the deduction.
Form 26AS
Form 26AS is a consolidated statement of TDS deducted from the taxpayer's remunerations during a year by different entities (like employer, banks, and other sources). Besides TDS, this form contains figures of Self-Assessment Tax, Advance Tax remittances, and certain other financial transactions done during the said year.
This Form is available to taxpayers on the Income Tax Department's portal. As and when remittances are done, the statement gets updated simultaneously. You can download the form and tally the figures with your records and, if any discrepancies, raise the issues for solution with the department.
This form plays a crucial role while filing your ITR return. You must verify the figures before filing of the ITR return.
Form 15G
Form 15G is a document certifying that the income of the person holding it falls within the non-taxable bracket. This form is issued to individuals aged 60 and below. The holder of this form can submit it to the concerned authority (banks, etc.) for not deducting TDS from any payments that he may be receiving from them.
Form 15H
Form 15H is for senior citizens whose income falls within the non-taxable bracket. It serves a similar purpose to that of Form 15G.
Other Documents
Other forms and documents, such as PAN cards, salary slips, TDS certificates, loan documents, interest certificates, investment certificates, rent agreements, and property sale documents, must be kept in the taxpayer's records before filing the tax returns.
These documents are essential for verifying the figures and for accurately filing the ITR. Additionally, they may be required if the Tax Department requests them.
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